We are running RSI 8.1.6 how can we restart INtime programmatically like RapidSetup does? I don’t see an API for doing this.
There’s not an API for it that I know of.
We just invoke shell commands. Something like
nodemgr start NodeA
is an INtime utility. Here’s it’s help:
nodemgr start nodename | -all [-v] [-initinfo] [-r] [-silent] [-nostart]
nodemgr stop nodename | -all [-v] [-silent]
nodemgr list [nodename | -all] [-v] [-silent]
nodemgr licinfo
The default install location for a 64-bit Windows install is: C:\Program Files (x86)\INtime\bin\nodemgr.exe
Hi guys,
Please use the RTOS class as a helper for starting/stopping nodes.
/// The %RTOS object represents the real-time operating system (INtime).
The RTOS/INtime object runs concurrently with a general-purpose operating system on a single hardware platform.
class RSI_API RTOS {
static INtimeStatus INtimeStatusGet();
static INtimeStatus INtimeStatusGet(const char nodeName);
static INtimeStatus INtimeStart();
static INtimeStatus INtimeStart(const char nodeName);
static INtimeStatus INtimeStop();
static INtimeStatus INtimeStop(const char* nodeName);
static INtimeStatus INtimeRestart();
static INtimeStatus INtimeRestart(const char* nodeName);
static const char* INtimeCatalogRMPGet();
static const char* INtimeCatalogRMPNetworkGet();
static uint32_t INTimeNodeCountGet();
static const char* INTimeNodeNameGet(uint32_t nodeNumber);
static bool INTimeNodeIsLocal(uint32_t nodeNumber);