NodeInfo.xml Elements: Can we distinguish by product code AND revision

We just encountered a card that’s a 12V variant of an EL2024 (4ch digital output). It has the same product code as the “standard” 24V version (0x07e83052), but the revision number is different.

Out of curiosity, can NodeInfo.xml distinguish between these if I specify the revision number? (I don’t see any examples of this in the file.)

The biggest reason I’d want to do this is so that the descriptions could be different. People might get confused if RMP/RapidSetup(X) describes it as a 24V card when it’s actually 12V.

Hi @todd_mm,

Not currently. Before this, revision has had no real impact on a system. I think of it mostly a tool for vendors to keep track of hardware changes or potentially when new features were added to firmware. Every vendor has 4 billion product codes they can use. You think they would leverage a spare one to cover the differences between a 12V and 24V version of similar devices they provide.

Is this a system that will have mixed 12V and 24V variants? If not, I’d use CustomNodeInfo.xml for a specific system design to indicates 12V vs 24V. More generally, at some point I want to have CustomNodeInfo allow you to flex based on NodeIndex. You might have a system with N of the same drives with different roles. This would allow you to have different implementations to match.

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Yes, this system has both 24V and 12V devices. 24V is our standard, but this particular customer has some device that’s controlled by 12V, so we added a 12V output card for that.

It’s not crucial at the moment to have RMP display the “correct” description. I was wondering if it were possible. We’re soon going to have to come up with a solution to the emerging behavior of Beckhoff cards, and I wanted to know what my options are.