New Release - 10.6.1

A new release is available on our portal. Here is the changelog associated with it.

Sep 16, 2024

  • [New] Linux - sudo no longer required.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - Axis move furthest button and repeat motion feature.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - Scope trigger on motion.
  • [New] RapidSetupX - NIC field autocomplete.
  • [New] RapidCode - MotionController::RecorderTriggerOnMotionGet().
  • [New] RapidCodeRemote - Recorder Configuration trigger on motion added.
  • [New] RapidCodeRemote - add short_message to ErrorMessage
  • [Change] RapidCode - MotionController::MemoryGet improvements for speed and safety.
  • [Change] RMPNetwork - Better identification of Wago IO.
  • [Change] Linux - improved permissions error messages.
  • [Change] Linux - All RMP and RapidCode shared memory objects now start with RSI.
  • [Change] Linux - RMP process will not exit if its creating process is terminated.
  • [Change] ESI cache parsing errors logged to RapidENI.log.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Textbox validation error readability.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Scope markers added and circular buffer render improvements.
  • [Change] RapidSetupX - Logged errors copy functionality improved.
  • [Fix] RapidSetupX - Scope render freeze on Linux.
  • [Fix] RapidSetupX - List filtering.

Could you elaborate on this? Will this create a tangible benefit to a streaming motion API client?

Hi @todd_mm,
We mostly saw about 20ns of improvement on MemoryGet. The main point of the improvement was to add bounds checking that MemoryGet/Set are within the RMP shared memory range.
You likely will not notice the benefits for streaming motion, but it will be slightly faster and safer.

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