A new release is available on our portal. Here is the changelog associated with it.
February 20, 2024
- [New] RapidSetupX - PDO view.
- [New] rsiconfig - adds –verbose option for use with -get-serial and -check-license.
- [New] DS402 Drives - Faster integration with automatic detection of most Network Indexes.
- [New] Gcode - G4 (Dwell) command.
- [New] rsiconfig - AxisFrameBufferSize support (getting/setting).
- [New] Cartesian Robot - KinematicModelBuilder can add free axes to a kinematic model.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - RapidVector for supporting std::vector in C++ and C# added.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - RobotPosition uses RapidVector for Free Axes.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - Implement Free Axis Motion.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - G-Code motion group is modal. G1, G2, G3, G4.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - GcodeCallback support for M-Codes.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - Actual/CommandPoseGet() overloads allow different LinearUnits.
- [New] RapidSetupX (Beta) - Tool for Windows, Linux, & MacOS.
- [New] RMP firmware - MathBlocks for real-time math and bit-masking operations.
- [New] RapidServer - NetworkNode Digital and Analog I/O data types updated.
- [New] RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis new actions map, unmap. New status is_mapped. Config set with axes_indices will AxisRemoveAll() first.
- [New] INtime - Intel 2.5, 10 and 40 Gbps NICs support (requires INtime 7.1).
- [New] RapidSetupX (Beta) - Continuous improvements.
- [New] RapidSetup - Now suggests CustomNodeInfo entries for unintegrated nodes.
- [New] RapidServer - Logging.
- [New] RapidCode - Ready to build C++ sample apps included.
- [New] Beckhoff EL1054 support.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - GCode parsing and processing error message improvements.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - SampleCounterGet/Wait.
- [New] NiMotion PMM support.
- [New] RapidSetupX - scope tracking feature and improved layout/zooming.
- [New] RapidSetupX - tree view shows network topology.
- [New] MotionController, Axis, MultiAxis InterruptUserDataAddressGet/Set for custom data with each interrupt.
- [New] RMPNetwork - Network clock synchronization diagnostic and adjustment options.
- [New] MotionController address types for NETWORK_CLOCK settings.
- [New] Elmo Platinum fault details.
- [New] Cartesian Robot - rotational units when creating a LinearKinematicModel or converting to/from quaternions.
- [Change] RapidSetupX - Improved network topology treeview, node page, dark theme.
- [Change] Cartesian Robot - PathPlannedPositionsGet() replaces PathPlannedPointsGet().
- [Change] Cartesian Robot - Gcode methods moved to Gcode object. Use Robot.Gcode.
- [Change] Cartesian Robot - Gcode.PlannedPositionsGet() added.
- [Change] MotionController.CreationParameters member names adjusted.
- [Change] RMP - AxisFrameBufferSizeDefault updated to 1024 from 512.
- [Change] RapidCode - Objects upgraded to global, named locks for interprocess synchronization and safety.
- [Change] Cartesian Robot - PathState returns Idle if/when joints are moved directly.
- [Change] RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis Status amp_enabled and Motion parameters renamed.
- [Change] RapidSetup - User limits now allow more Outputs variations.
- [Change] Cartesian Robot - G92 position offsets.
- [Change] Cartesian Robot - End effector and origin transforms use RobotPosition to support free axes.
- [Change] CustomNodeInfo.xml - node details replaced at the Product level rather than the Vendor Level.
- [Change] RapidSetupX - New page layout, added network timing metrics, and general improvements.
- [Change] RapidSetupX - Improved scope features and UX.
- [Change] RapidSetup - MultiAxis buttons are no longer disabled during motion.
- [Change] GCode: rotations in degrees and rotation speed is in (degrees/minute).
- [Change] RapidSequencer deprecated.
- [Change] Cartesian Robot: Speed of rotational moves (ABC/RPY) is in (units/second) instead of (10 units/second).
- [Fix] G-Code - Arc moves (G2/G3) with the same start and end point create full circle moves.
- [Fix] RapidSetup - password button click restored.
- [Fix] RapidSetup - NetworkData pin missing color.
- [Fix] RapidSetup - Now recreates config files if corrupted.
- [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - RapidServer improved locks for MotionController Config object counts.
- [Fix] RapidCode - Default values for Axis now retrieved from RMP memory for multi-process consistency.
- [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - RapidServer no longer recreates RapidCode object on MotionControllerConfigGet.
- [Fix] Linux - RMPNetwork no longer outputs argument help when started via RapidCode.
- [Fix] Linux/rsiconfig - default path separator for Axis XML files.
- [Fix] RapidSetup - NetworkData output pin button.
- [Fix] RapidSetup - GCode load & render progress bar gets stuck when the file contains no motion.
- [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - Axis ConfigSet ErrorLimit Duration.
- [Fix] RapidCodeRemote - MultiAxis StatusGet() Motion Status Bits updated.
- [Fix] Cartesian Robot - KinematicModel::IsArticulated and improved joint angle normalization.
- [Fix] Cartesian Robot - Free axes trajectories.
- [Fix] RMPNetwork - AutoDetection now exchanges Inputs/Outputs without a CustomNodeInfo entry.
- [Fix] NodeInfo.xml - Wago removed false positive digital input identification.