MovePT() throws RSIMessageARG_INVALID

What are some likely causes of this exception when I call MultiAxis::MovePT(...)

{RSI Error} ErrorNumber(1)(RSIMessageARG_INVALID)
Text(Argument invalid :: {platform.c, line 4862} (Error 1) (MotionController::MemoryGet) (Object 0) (File motioncontroller.cpp) (Line 1090) (Version

On the surface, it looks like I’m giving in reasonable parameters (RSIMotionTypePT, flattened 2-D array, row-major order, of 35*2 points, 35 time slice values, 35, 10, 0, 0). I’m not sure which arg this may be referring to (or if it’s referring to some misconfiguration of the multi axis).


Hi @todd_mm

This error is caused Output Frame generated by our lower level processes has an invalid frame type. This is most likely because you were using Outputs previous but didn’t include any in that section. I bet you just need to call StreamingOutputsEnableSet(false) to resolve the issue.