We’re upgrading RMP, and I ran into an issue. We’re using a Hitachi device (vendor code 0x51d). NodeInfo.xml uses the vendor ID with capital (hex) letters.
<Vendor Id="0x51D">
My CustomNodeInfo.xml specifies this vendor as 0x51d. None of my custom stuff seems to get used when I generate an ENI and start the network. When I change my XML to use 0x51D, RMP uses my custom stuff.
Is this (supposed to be) case sensitive? I would have expected all hexadecimal values to essentially be case-insensitive.
The VendorId and ProductCode should not be case sensitive.
Can you temporarily try moving your custom Hitachi details into NodeInfo.xml from CustomNodeInfo.xml? We want to see if that changes the behavior as we were noticing a CustomNodeInfo.xml anomaly last week.